Apa Artinya Poker Face

In a new study, college students were better able to measure the confidence of a poker player by watching arm movements versus facial movements.

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Emosi memberi petunjuk. Sehingga ini sama seperti sedang melakukan “poker face”. Kita mengatakan bahwa mata adalah jendela jiwa. Jiwa sedang bermasalah ketika seseorang mengelakkan kontak mata. Ungkaplah orang tersebut tentang situasinya dengan bertanya langsung kepadanya apa yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi dan anda akan menemukan jawaban.

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Rather than simply working on their “poker face” (in which a player tries to show no facial emotions), players may want to brush up on hiding their emotions in their body language as well — particularly in their arms as they are pushing chips forward during bet making.

For the study, published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers from Tufts University conducted three experiments in which participants watched video clips designed to examine the confidence level of poker players.

In order to see whether players unknowingly expressed their confidence (or lack of it) with their arm movements, the researchers recorded professional poker players during a tournament. They then recruited 78 college students to watch 20 two second videos edited from the tapes to see if they could guess how the players felt about their hands.

Participants were divided into three groups, with each group watching a different type of video.

The first group watched videos that showed just the faces and torsos of players in action. While watching these clips, the participants did worse than chance at guessing player confidence.

The second group watched clips that showed just the arms and torsos of players in action.

This time, the volunteers did much better than chance at guessing the confidence of the players (based on how the game turned out after the players revealed their cards).

The third group watched the same clips that featured only the arms and torsos and then rated how confident they felt the player appeared and how smoothly they moved their arms.

Those with a better stack of cards were rated as more confident, and they moved more smoothly than did those with poor cards.

Based on these results, the researchers suggest that in spite of years of working on their poker face, professional poker players have not eliminated other obvious types of body language that can give away their confidence levels.

The findings show that even simple body language clues, such as the way a person moves their arms, can reveal how confident a person is feeling.

Source: Psychological Science

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Chapter 115 of the book Self-Help Stuff That Works

by Adam Khan

Apa maksud poker face

RONALD RIGGIO, PHD, HAS BEEN doing research at the California State University at Fullerton for over seventeen years. He's been trying to find out what makes a person attractive to other people. He officially studies charisma. One important factor Riggio has discovered is the importance of 'emotional expressivity': the ability to show your emotions on your face so people can easily read how you feel. People who don't show much emotion on their faces don't attract us very much. That's one of his findings
that seems pretty obvious.

But Riggio found something that's not so obvious: Charisma also requires the ability to not show emotions. He calls it 'emotional control.' It's what I'm calling a 'poker face' because when you play poker and you get an exceptionally good hand, you don't want anyone else to know. Likewise, if you get a poor hand, you don't want them to know - it gives your opponents an advantage in betting against you. While you're playing poker, the basic rule of thumb is to not ever register your feelings overtly. The only thing that might give you away is the look on your face, so you have to show as little emotion on your face as you can.

Improving your ability to have a poker face when you need it (and only when you need it) can increase your effectiveness with people. Why? Because emotions are contagious when they can be seen. When you look at someone who is laughing, it tends to make you feel like laughing, doesn't it? Sure. And when you see someone crying, it can make you feel a little sad. Naturally. That's why good actors are so highly valued. They can make us feel emotions. We all have a tendency to experience the emotion we see on someone's face.

But, you may ask, what's wrong with that?

Nothing really, except sometimes. The problem is that there are some emotions you wouldn't want another to have. Two examples are anger and social awkwardness. When you're angry and you show it, the other person will probably become angry or defensive or afraid to some degree - they can see on your face your blood pressure is up, and their body will respond by increasing their own blood pressure. This rising intensity tends to interfere with communication.

Something similar happens when a person feels socially awkward. When you talk with someone who feels awkward because they don't quite know what to do and it shows, you feel somewhat awkward, too, don't you? Or how about when someone giving a speech feels uncomfortable up there in front of the group? Don't you also squirm in your seat a little just watching?

In these kinds of circumstances, the people would be better off and the people they're talking to would be better off if they would learn to conceal those particular emotions when they feel them.

Apa Artinya Poker Face

We have all learned there are times when it is not appropriate to say certain things. You don't say to a widow at the funeral 'the dude owed me money.' At certain times and for certain situations, we all know some things are better left unsaid. Well, the emotion on your face is nonverbal, but it is still communication, and sometimes it is counterproductive to say nonverbally 'I'm angry' or 'I feel awkward.'

The good news is that you can learn to put on a poker face when you need it. I'm not suggesting phoniness or pretending you're happy when you're angry. But there are times it helps to show no emotion on your face. It's a skill like any other, and it can be improved with practice.

Practice having a 'poker face' when you feel negative emotions.

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, October 20). The Power of a Poker Face, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2020, December 14 from https://www.healthyplace.com/self-help/self-help-stuff-that-works/power-of-a-poker-face