Bni Visitors Day Educational Slot
Video Transcription:
Let’s talk about inviting visitors. Why invite them? There are several reasons why we want to have visitors… but probably the most significant is to fill open categories in the chapter. For some, inviting visitors is easy. But many of us seem to struggle with it a little bit. I think it is because we tend to make it too complicated…. That is, we say way too much while we are trying to convince someone to be our guest. Well, guess what? It’s actually pretty easy if you keep your message simple.
To illustrate, I’m happy to have two members of The Next Level Theater Company, David Comfort and Eric Gibboney act it out for you.
Visitor is sent an invitation email to visit a chapter meeting through BNI Connect via Operations Chapter Create Email Email Visitor Invitation; Email is sent immediately upon submission by the member; Registering a Potential Visitor. Visitor self registers on the regional or chapter web page. To register a new game account as Education Slot Bni Visitors € 50 or € Education Slot Bni Visitors 100. Education Slot Bni Visitors With this free money you can choose yourself to the games you want to play. You can play Education Slot Bni Visitors free casino with a certain number of Euros with the chance to win real cash prizes! BNI Education Slots. BNI Ed Slot Topics. Download Scripts; Category: Getting Visitors. Posted on 12th November 2014 7th December 2014.
David: So, Eric… it’s been great learning more about what you do. Life Insurance is such a great thing… everyone should have a policy!
Eric: (laughs), Yes, I agree. Thanks for this meeting, it was interesting learning about what you do as well. All businesses need a website!
David: You know, I just thought of something. But before I go on, are you in a position where you can handle more business? Do you have room for growth?
Eric: Yes, always.
David: I am a member of a networking group and we have been looking for someone who sells life insurance that we can pass referrals to. Do you like to receive referrals?
Eric: Yes, always.
David: We meet once a week to get to know each other better because that makes it easier for us to pass referrals. I’d like to introduce you to the group. Would you consider coming as my guest? I think you would do very well in there!
Eric: Yes! Why not?
David: Here are the details on this card. Our group is called The Next Level and here is where we meet, the day and time. Suggest you arrive 15 minutes early and bring lots of business cards as I am sure many people will want one. Breakfast is on us. I can pretty much guarantee that you’re going to have fun!
Thanks guys! Do you see how simple it can be?
Let me run through the basic steps here:
Step one: Ask the person if they want to grow their business. It’s very rare that someone will say ‘no’ to this!
Step two: Tell them that you have a group of peers who are looking to give referrals to someone who does what they do!
Step three: Ask them to come visit! We have even made that part even easier, you see our award winning Chapter has these handy little cards that have the address, meeting time and directions! See the visitor hosts to get yours.
So… let’s go invite some visitors!
Jon Sooy is the CEO of BroadVision Marketing. It is BroadVision’s primary focus to help it’s clients generate a steady stream of sales-ready leads from their websites by implementing today’s most progressive Inbound Marketing strategies.

A great Education Slot presented by James Brooksbank, Constructsys Ltd.
BNI Visitor Hosting: It’s a Team Effort
As your BNI chapter can expect to welcome more than one visitor each week, your team of Visitor Hosts needs to be large enough to properly look after each guest. The expected number of visitors depends on the size of your chapter, of course, and how active members are in bringing guests to your weekly meetings.
Your chapter’s Visitor Hosts also need to organise the team to look after different aspects of Visitor Hosting: greeting, orientation, and follow up.
The larger the chapter, the more Visitor Hosts you need to appoint. Both – ensuring individual attention is given to each visitor, and distributing the workload – mean that chapters should have at least three Visitor Hosts to share the tasks, and to be able to concentrate on high quality hosting.

Because it’s professional, it’s polite – and because happy visitors are great referrers!

Meeting And Greeting
Your chapter’s Visitor Hosts are the first people a guest (and potential new member) meets when they visit your chapter.
They greet new arrivals and help them feel welcome. Visitor Hosts make sure guests have a cup of tea or coffee, and explain how the meeting will run. And because Visitor Hosts are expert networkers, they introduce guests to key people to get the networking ball rolling.
Making Introductions: Everybody Wins
A good Visitor Host finds out which businesses a guest is looking to connect with – but they also establish which members might benefit from meeting the guest. Then the Visitor Host brings them together, introducing guest and relevant members.
Even with only little information available, clued-in Visitor Hosts know to introduce a visitor to representatives of the power team the guest’s business would most likely complement.
Either way, introductions made by the Visitor Hosts enable members and guests to network before the actual meeting begins. Everyone will get the most out of pre-meeting networking – visitor, member, and your chapter.
Visitor Hosts ensure the President has the visitors’ details so they can be individually introduced to the chapter.
Bni Visitors Day Educational Slot Games

Perhaps most importantly for these potential new members, Visitor Hosts explain the Sales Manager Minute (a.k.a. 60 Seconds Infomercial), and the opportunity each guest has to share their business and ideal referral request with the group.
After The Meeting: Orientation & Follow Up
Visitor Hosts not only play a fundamental role in greeting visitors at the start of each chapter meeting, they also help visitors after meetings, both immediately and in the days following.
At the end of each meeting, Visitor Hosts join up with guests for a brief Visitor Orientation. This orientation is the perfect opportunity for guests to ask questions and for Visitor Hosts to talk them through the application process.
During the orientation, Visitors Hosts should:
- Thank the visitors for coming
- Explain the commitments of membership
- Handout the BNI Visitor Packs
- Explain the application process and help visitors complete the application form
- Collect application forms
- Ask visitors to fill out the confidential meeting evaluation form
And because Visitor Hosts are such welcoming people, they phone new visitors a day or two after the meeting to check if they have any questions or need help with the application form.
So The Best Visitor Hosts Are…
A whole range of people! From members who love to greet new people to those who can’t stop themselves talking about how BNI has boosted their business.
While it is important for the group of Visitor Hosts serving on the Leadership Team at any one time to have different talents, they do all share one important understanding: that by growing their chapter they are growing their own business. One inevitably flows from the other.
So Are You Ready To Be A Host With The Most?
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Like the sound of being one of the welcoming faces of your chapter and increasing to your visibility and creditability? Great! Talk to your Leadership Team about becoming a Visitor Host.